Customer Testimonials

Many thanks. I'm delighted with the order. Great service, fast delivery and quality covers. I'll certainly be buying again from you in the near future.

Written by Carol UK on .

Just to let you know I got my first order off you this morning....VERY IMPRESSED !! Many thanks for the speed for this order and the excellent packing

Written by Paul UK on .

Great deals. The best on the web for FDC. I shall return:-)

Written by Ken UK on .

I have only recently discovered your shop! You are far and away the best UK stamp site there is. I shall return! Thanks.

Written by Alec UK on .

Thank you for the stamps they come through very quickly and they are lovely I will be shopping with you again

Written by Michelle UK on .

Hi Nigel, Just to let you know that my order arrived safely at lunchtime. Thank you for such a speedy service.

Written by Joan UK on .

Nigel, The order has just arrived. I'm very pleased with the covers and the excellent service. I shall certainly be placing more orders with you. Many Thanks.

Written by Robert UK on .

Dear Nigel, I received the stamps this morning. This is the first time I have bought from you and I must say I am extremely impressed. I am very pleased with the items and the speed and efficiency of your service. I find that so many stamp dealers tend to charge inflated prices, but yours all seem very fair indeed. Kind Regards

Written by Steven - UK on .

Hello Nigel, love the covers, arrived the day after ordering. First class all round, many thanks

Written by James UK on .

Dear Nigel Thank you very much indeed for the package which arrived this morning. Once again I am delighted with the covers and your superb service. I am already looking forward to making my next order.

Written by David UK on .
Displaying 13 to 22 (of 22 Testimonials)
1 x 1983-01-26 Fish Izaak Walton Stafford FDC (10013)1 x 1865-67 QV SG94 4d vermilion pl 13 used stamp (qvb58)1 x 1876 QV 1d Red Plate 180 used on Cover (54457)1 x 2001 Bulk Buy x12 Bureau / T/House Postmark FDC (84972)1 x 1981-08-12 Duke Edinburgh Award Devon FDC (9958)1 x 1855-57 QV SG66 4d used stamp (qvb64)1 x 1981-11-18 Christmas Bethlehem FDC (9976)1 x 1875 QV 1d Red Plate 157 used on Cover (54406)1 x 1980-11-19 Christmas Regent St London FDC (9986)1 x 1977 Silver Jubilee Rembrandt Booklet (65950)1 x 1998-11-14 HB16 Booklet 4x1st + Prince of Wales (51970)1 x 1989 HA2 1445b Pane 3 Sides Imperf Booklet (6441)1 x 1989 HD1 Booklet Stamps (6444)1 x 1977 Silver Jubilee Rembrandt Booklet (65925)1 x 1997-10-21 HB15 Booklet 4x1st + Heads of Government (51969)1 x 1978 Jersey SB28 St Saviour Booklet (12881)1 x 1989 FB52 Gillbert and Sullivan 2 50p Folded Booklet (66255)1 x 1997-01-06 KX9 Gentiana acaulis design (6359)1 x 1988 FB47 London Zoo 50p Booklet Stamps (66253)1 x 2001-01-16 A Child for the Future London N1 FDC (29777)1 x 2001-01-16 Child Face Paintings LONDON SW5 FDC (41616)1 x 2001-01-16 The Future set of 4 Benham Silk FDC (78190)1 x 2001-01-16 Children Face Paintings Hope FDC (66728)1 x 2001-01-16 Hopes for the Future Birmingham FDC (43576)1 x 1987 FB41 Cricket 50p Booklet Stamps (66254)1 x 1985 FT2b Letters Abroad Booklet (6436)1 x 1998-03-10 DX20 The Definitive Portrait (7896)1 x 2001-01-16 The Future Nurture Children London Official (90934)1 x 1989 HB2 1447b Imperf 3 sides pane Booklet (6443)1 x 2001-01-16 Children Face Paintings Hope FDC (37915)1 x 2001-11-05 IOM Christmas Stamps FDC (84873)